Sending tests to remote SSH accounts
Deprecated since version 3.0.
The rsync
feature is deprecated because its implementation is faulty
in terms of reproducing the development environment in the remote
worker, and there is no clear solution moving forward.
For that reason, rsync
is scheduled to be removed in release 4.0, to let the team
focus on a smaller set of features.
Note that SSH and socket server are not planned for removal, as they are part
of the execnet
feature set.
Suppose you have a package mypkg
which contains some
tests that you can successfully run locally. And you
have a ssh-reachable machine myhost
. Then
you can ad-hoc distribute your tests by typing:
pytest -d --rsyncdir mypkg --tx ssh=myhostpopen mypkg/tests/unit/
This will synchronize your mypkg
package directory
to a remote ssh account and then locally collect tests
and send them to remote places for execution.
You can specify multiple --rsyncdir
to be sent to the remote side.
For pytest to collect and send tests correctly
you not only need to make sure all code and tests
directories are rsynced, but that any test (sub) directory
also has an
file because internally
pytest references tests as a fully qualified python
module path. You will otherwise get strange errors
during setup of the remote side.
You can specify multiple --rsyncignore
glob patterns
to be ignored when file are sent to the remote side.
There are also internal ignores: .*, *.pyc, *.pyo, *~
Those you cannot override using rsyncignore command-line or
ini-file option(s).
Sending tests to remote Socket Servers
Download the single-module Python program and run it like this:
It will tell you that it starts listening on the default port. You can now on your home machine specify this new socket host with something like this:
pytest -d --tx socket= --rsyncdir mypkg
Using proxies to run multiple workers on remote machines
In case you want to run multiple workers on a remote machine, you can create a proxy gateway for the machine, and run multiple workers using the via attribute.:
pytest -d --px id=my_proxy//socket= --tx 5*popen//via=my_proxy
Here we declare a proxy gateway using the –px arg, and create 5 workers that run on the remote server using the proxy. Note that the proxy gateway does not run a worker, thus only 5 workers are created.
Running tests on many platforms at once
The basic command to run tests on multiple platforms is:
pytest --dist=each --tx=spec1 --tx=spec2
If you specify a windows host, an OSX host and a Linux environment this command will send each tests to all platforms - and report back failures from all platforms at once. The specifications strings use the xspec syntax.